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Youth Act

Increasing awereness, developing competances, discovering the world ... of yourself.

Organisation have been established in 2017 by young people who wanted to change the world through non-formal education.

Our work

Organisation is working at local and intrnational level. At local level we are implementing the NFE workshops in the local school for human rights and environmental education  during the classes. We are also implementing the improv workshops during languages classes and the supporting theatrical workshops for the theatre group. We are organising the saturdays workshops where youth can learn about them self and increas their competances.

At international level we are organising the youth exchanges funded by Erasmus+, Polish-Lithuenian Youth Court. We are developing different methodology for youth work within the Strategic Partnership. We are involving the youth from Koszalin and region in the international projects. We are encouraging ans supporting the youth with fewer opportunities to join the youth mobilities.

We are promoting the programme ERASMUS+, lifelong learning and NFE among youth in Koszalin and it’s area. We make the informative meetings for youth to show them the opportunities. We are involving the school into the Erasmus+ projects as for implementing the workshps or making the follow up activities. We have established the coolaboration with the local school (I LO im. Stanisława Dubois, II LO im. Władysława Broniewskiego, Techinikum Ekonomiczne) to implement there the workshops based on NFE during the diverse classes.

We are promoting the active citizenship and social inclusion among youth. We are using the britih drama methodology in workshops with young people to incerase their awereness of social issues. Going into the different roles they start to understand the main cores of social problems.

We are supporting youth with their self-developmet, self-awereness. Through the workshop bases on improvisation theatre with youth in schools we are encouraging them to stand on the stage and perform, together with the reflection they are learning about them selves.

We are promoting the human rights education through the workshops based on COMPASS in school by implementing the workshops for students of high schools, where they have a chance to reflect on the topic and deeper their knowledge and awereness.

Our methodology

Image by Lloyd Dirks

Improvisation theatre

Through the workshops based on improvisation theatre we are changing the way of thinking, boosting the creativity, self-esteem, self-confidance. Youth learn to not judge each other, to by flexible to work with the partner to accept the new ideas agree with the proposals and develop it together. Through the workshops they learn how to take care of each other, how to support the parnter how to work in small and big group. We are developing the group improvisation where youth learn how to listen to each other and follow the leader, they become one organism and getting deepply to the diverse roles exploring their possibilities.

British Drama

Through the workshop based on british drama we are supporting youth to look inside them and to reflect on their thoughts, ideas, movements and its impact on their life. The youth learn about their body, become more awere of the movement and the impact which it is going from inside their mind to outside their body and oposit. Methods are used to understand deeper needs, values, problems or people and societies with giving chance to break the patterns and discuss about solutions for the problems. The method is allowing participants to live through the experience in safty environment and later to reflect on it.

Image by Aaron Burden

Physical theatre

Through the physical theartical methodology youth could explore their non-verbal communication, have a chance to be in different roles, situations, in the safe environment. The methods are opening the body and the mind. The youth can develop their strenghs and discover their potential. The methods are supporting the discovering and developing of their talents and pasisons.

Creative writing

Through the creative writing methods youth can explore the world of creativity through playing with words, poetry, imaginagtion. Creating the short or longer text without mistakes sharing the thoughts, opinion, reflections through art of writing. Its opening the minds of youth, focus on the topic and undesrtanding it without any jugment from any side.

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