Training Course
International projects for youth workers and youth educators where participants develop their competnaces and methodology in certain field to increase their youth work. The activites are based on non-formal education and methodology. The costs are co-funded by Easmus + programme (meals, accomodation, activities, travel costs up tto the limit).
Training coures Improdrama 2.0 took place in Murzasichle between 25th of August till 4th of September. 30 participants from Poland, Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus, Turkey, Latvia, Greece, Italy and Slovakia were develoing thier competances in integrating theatrical methodology as nonformal educational approach to non-formal and formal education system for youth empowerment at local level.
In the first part of the training participant were learning about diverse theatre methodology, in the second part they learn how to develop the non-formal educational activities based on those theatre methodology in the third part participanst have been testing thier activities by implemening the workshops with each other.
Less of Mess
Training course where participants from 8 countries (Poland, Latvia, Slovakia, Greece, Romania, France, Czech Republic and Bulgaria) met to develop their comeptnaces in field of promotion of environmental awareness by introducing less waste mindset among youth workers in the field of ecology, non-formal methods, managing resources and approach to project planning.
In the first part of the training participant were learning about environemntal isseus in Europe and design thinking, in the second part they learn how to develop the tools for their organisation to promote the environemtal protection and ecological awereness among youth and youth organisations.
Training course where 30 participants from 10 countries (Poland, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Romania) met to develop their comeptnaces in field of using theatre methodology for youth empowerment and combining the non-formal education with formal education curriculum from the schools.
In the first part of the training participant were learning about diverse theatre methodology, in the second part they learn how to develop the non-formal educational activities based on those theatre methodology in the third part participanst have been testing thier activities by implemening the workshops with each other.